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This is a collection of 19 stories, that will guarantee a careful examination of the human condition, it is an inside into the human heart. It deals with identity, quest for belonging, sexuality, institutions, perceptions, and plain humanity.

Literary Review


Dr. Muñoz signing his new English language book during a presentation at Glendale Community College, March 2017. (Images by David Muñoz)

 Culturadoor.com exclusive—

Date of publication: 22- March- 2017

Very seldom, a reader gets the opportunity of finding a collection of short stories that not only entertains, challenges, makes one think, and presents perspectives with an honest voice, regardless of occupation, social status, gender, or anything else. Insanities, soundness and reality, is such a collection, with a unique voice that presents stories about “real” human beings, who are caught up un circumstances that perhaps the reader has seen personally. It takes you to ordinary places we all know, and it does, with a narrative that flows, allowing its own rhythm to take control.

As one begins to read, one story after the other one, its author manages to change situations, conflicts, genders, viewpoints, and within the same story, allows each characters to be his/her own voice, making the entire experience unique. Insanities…is a book about racial discrimination, feminism, domestic violence, the coming of age, the world of actors, it is a manuscript about an alcoholic Irishman, a man dying, a woman with postpartum depression, and all of it, with a signature of authenticity, that makes the reader think very carefully about the subtitle of the book: A collection of short stories told perhaps by the same person.

It is difficult to find a writer with such uprightness. Yet, his voice becomes the voices of women, teenagers, old men, High School teachers, victims of domestic violence, virgins, actors, medical doctors, prostitutes, and a wide variety of characters that somehow come alive in the midst of what Muñoz calls: “the complex human experience.”

This is a collection of 19 stories, that will guarantee a careful examination of the human condition, it is an inside into the human heart. It deals with identity, quest for belonging, sexuality, institutions, perceptions, and plain humanity. It is an honest attempt by the author, to portrait circumstances that go on every single day, but sometimes are shadowed by our own realities.


David Alberto Muñoz (1959) was born in Mexico City. In 1973, he migrated to the United States of America.  Insanities, soundness, and reality…, is his first book of fiction written directly in the English language.  He describes himself as a “cuentero” (fabulist), who likes to reflect on the complex human experience.

Cover of the new book published in Mexico by Garabatos publishing  house.


The Book can be purchase at Amazon.com




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